
費洛蒙國際企業有限公司(人類費洛蒙科學公司 亞洲區唯一合作夥伴)1



費洛蒙國際企業有限公司成立於2004年,是以人類費洛蒙專利技術為核心的化妝品業者。2008年與美國納斯達克上市的人類費洛蒙科學公司(Human Pheromone Sciences, Inc.)正式簽約成為亞洲區唯一的合作夥伴。擁有人類費洛蒙 Androstadienone (雄二烯酮)與 Estratetraenol (雌四烯醇)的專利使用權,以及發揮人類費洛蒙效果的相關專利技術與配方(共16項專利),同時擁有人類費洛蒙科學公司【Natural Attraction】和【 Sixth Sense 第六感】等品牌使用權。

納斯達克上市人類費洛蒙科學公司總裁 公開宣示 本公司為亞洲區唯一的合作夥伴


Human Pheromone Sciences, Inc., Founded in 1989 and has spent tens millions of dollars researching pheromones and other mood-enhancing cosmetic compounds. Its shares have been publicly-traded on the U.S OTC Bulletin Board since 1993. The company that produces all natural attraction products, has made good on the promise of human pheromones.



The Company is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of unique mood-enhancing consumer products. The Company focuses on the development of such products based on naturally occurring compounds. When independent testing validates the safety of the compounds and psychological and physiological testing on consumers confirms the efficacy, the Company seeks patent protection for the use of the technology, develops its own products and / or licenses the proprietary technology to other companies for use in their products.



The Company has been granted broad-based patents for its initial compound, Androstadienone and Estratetaenol, which has been licensed to leading marketers, including Johnson & Johnson, Avon and Schwarkopf & Henkel,Pheromone International and its affiliates.

本公司已獲得所發明的成分男性費洛蒙 Androstadienone(雄二烯酮)與女性費洛蒙 Estratetraenol (雌四烯醇)的大範圍的專利保護,並給予授權此項成分的使用權與技術給世界領先大廠,包含Johnson&Johnson   嬌生集團 、Avon   雅芳集團 、Schwarkopf & Henkel   施華蔻集團 以及亞洲區唯一的合作夥伴 Pheromone International   費洛蒙國際企業 




The New York Times, The Washington Post, The University of Chicago News, among others have written front page stories on human pheromones and have verified the company‘s findings. We were just 15 years ahead of the public recognition.



We know how pheromones work, we hold the patents on their use in personal care , cosmetic and consumer products. We continue unprecedented research in the field of human pheromones in all areas of application.



In science, it is nice to have your work accepted and verified by outside sources, but it is equally rewarding to take action and create products that use your technology. It seems fitting to say “Carpe Diem,” for Human Pheromone Sciences has seized the day and done just that. Natural Attraction & sixth sense – human pheromone based products that work.
